Daria a certified Therapy Dog

“Daria” and Barb Ronka Become A Certified St. John Ambulance Team

DariaLRGnewSince we got “Daria” from Goldnote over 2 1/2 years ago, training with Daria has really become a daily part of our lives, even if some days it is only for a few minutes. We started her in a puppy obedience class and then when she was about a year and a half, we switched her into agility training, which she loved.

In her first “fun” competition she even won a 1st place blue ribbon. Because of her sweet personality, we decided she could be very good as a therapy dog, and for the last several months we have again put more emphasis on obedience and as part of that taking her to stores that allow dogs (pet stores and in our case, our local Home Hardware), to get her used to interacting with people.

A few weeks ago, she went through the 2 1/2 hour test with St. John’s Ambulance to become a therapy dog. With seven other dogs in the testing room and with her still having a lot of pup in her, we weren’t sure how this would go, but we were very proud of her when she passed. Next, Barb will be volunteering with Daria once a week at the local hospital, the first few times with supervision and then on their own. Daria has been a wonderful addition to our family.
