Effie and Zeus – Release – Fall 2015
Litter Expected/Birth Date: July 24th, 2015
Litter Release Date: September 25th, 2015
Effie & Zeus – Arrival July 2015
Effie did a spectacular job during an overnight delivery on Friday July the 24th, 2015. We have 7 robust and healthy puppies. There are four males and three females of all shades from the lightest cream to rich golden colour. Effie is a first time mom and a natural to motherhood, just like her own mother our Karma.
Zeus is a new stud dog for us, but his pedigree is anything but unknown to us. He hails from all the known and beloved Kyon dogs that we value for health, temperament and longevity here at Goldnote. Zeus is a beautiful dog in type, structure and temperament. Evidenced clearly by his being chosen Best of Winners at the Golden Retriever Club of Canada’s 2014 National Specialty and by his completing his American Rally Novice Obedience title easily.
All deposit spaces for these puppies has been taken.
These puppies will be ready for release approximately the last weekend of September 2015. Please Contact Us for details of other litters or to request our questionnaire and then to arrange a kennel visit with us.
- Effie – Litter Portrait – Six Days Old
- Effie – Rally Novice Legs 1 & 2 – Judge, Marie Sawford – Class first placements for each leg.
- CH Kyon’s Rainbow High – Zeus
- Effie with Bruce – Lovely position on this 360 right turn.
- Effie – Title Rosette – High in Class all three legs of her title. Judge, Edward Leslie
- Effie and Zeus Females – One Day Old
- Effie and Zeus Males – One Day Old
- Effie and Zeus Litter – One Day Old
- Effie with her Puppies – Summer 2015
- Effie -Surrogate Mom Portrait – Summer 2015 – Effie is helping out by nursing two extra puppies from another kennel. Their mother was lost following complications due to C-Section.